Monday, February 26, 2007

Aj apun ka Daddy ka Happy B'day hai.



He is one of the most selfless and hilarious person in the world. A person who left Kerala at 16 after a few attempts at Rice Smuggling, worked as tailor in Calcutta before coming to the City of Dreams. My Dad must have helped at least 20-30 Mallus to move to the Gulf which is ten times the Mallu average.

From selling Hangars at Dadar Station to working in a Mill to ditching a Kuwait Job offer to working in Birla Cement and raising me and my bro to what we are today inspite of all the hardships and long legal matters he has done it in style.

One of the few things I've learnt from him is Money isn't everything, Helping others is a great thing, Market is always there for us and Kingfisher is the greatest Beer.

My Dad turns 60 today, Happy B'day Daddy.