Friday, April 21, 2006

How to fight the Malls, Bania style!!

Facing tough competition from the onslaught of Big Malls & Hypermarkets the local grocery store Banias have found a new method to beat them in their own game.
Malls sell goods below MRP and often with gifts and other goodies, The local bania shops in bulk from the Malls, gets heavy discount and other gifts and then resells it to the customers at MRP with/without the goodies... making a cool profit!!

I'm sure everyone one of us have been conned by the Bania in some way or the other when we were kids and our mother's have come to the shop to argue with him, we have flicked stuff from the bania, sold him raddi in exchange for Pepsi (the popsicle), taken stuff on credit and not repayed, sampled chana-singh from the dabbas everytime we are at his shop, rode his Atlas Bhaiyaa cycle, seen bandicoots in his shop.... Still we love going back to him

In the war between the Malls and Local Banias the king customers is surely save some moolah!!

The Banias gives you credit while the Malls allow credit card.

pic courtesy champion blogger Akshay