Met 3 gurus yesterday
Yesterday I went to the India Equity Show at the Nehru Centre, I met 3 innovators and leaders of the Indian Computing industry.
Prof. D.B.Phatak
IIT Mumbai
Everytime I listen to Prof Phatak's speeches its so full of nationalism and passion for doing and thinking big for our nation. I think he rocks big time and is a wonderful asset to our nation. We also talked about the 3-6 % equity that is to given to IIT Bombay for the incubation at Kresit. IITB finally after 4 years has a structure in place for accepting equity in return for incubation space and resources.
He has started the eKalavya project on open source with his own money and after doing a yatra to over 70 Engineering colleges to check and improve the level of IT education in India. I think now the government is thinking about funding this mission . I wish him all the best .
you can check it out at
Prof. Swami Manohar CEO PicoPeta
India's first academic start up with prof's having equity, the makers of the Simputers. Doing wonderful things for people who can't afford a computer and making India proud. As for me I would love to a simputer with Skype,SMS and Email & games.
Rajesh Jain
The man behind the Internet revolution in India after selling IndiaWorld to sify for 115 million $.
His blog is must for all those who wanna follow the latest in the emerging tech world & markets.
check it out at