Monday, January 24, 2005

Juss a thought.....

I was crawling on some blog netork n happend to read a comment on harness the idle power of the corporate world...
I do think that a gaming interface/environment can be ported to the corporate world. A corporate game interface/environment, if done correctly, would generate amazing productivity improvements and internal competition/cooperation. The best games already include IM/e-mail / auctions / trading / (with add-on)voice / competition / ad-hoc groups(guilds and parties) / rankings / status /professions / etc.
I sincerely feel 80% of the people using the systems in office are lying idle, if they are given the chance to may money and do wot they like, stuff like gambling, laying bets,help govt systems n local panchyat systems from the idle office space...
create a world of grid computing (eg. SETI Project) to help governments in Asia n Africa...
A world of help... We love helping people if we have the time.... don't we?
I'm waiting for a day when someone can start it... or maybe i will :))